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Clinical Evaluation

Clinical Evaluation is a course that teaches the art and science of physical diagnosis at the second year level, to prepare the students for clinical practice.

The students are taught how to conduct a thorough history-taking,  perform a comprehensive physical examination, recognize abnormal findings and use pathophysiologic concepts to interpret them, identify the salient features, formulate a clinical assessment, and prepare written and oral presentations. Professionalism when interacting with patients and others are also introduced.

Our sessions are held once weekly, with one whole day allotted to Clinical Evaluation.   The day is divided into two-hour sessions which may be lectures, actual patient encounters, or the laboratory (where skills are learned thru a demonstration/return demonstration  technique).

Our dedicated faculty are from the departments of Medicine, Pediatrics, Neurology, Surgery, Ophthalmology, ENT and Obstetrics-Gynecology.

Roster of Faculty

Ellen N. Yu-Keh, MD
Over-all Coordinator