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Agape (AY 2022-2023)

SLCM Agape Christian Movement is a community of medical students united by a common passion and heart for excellence in faith, life, and medicine. This is an avenue for students to come together and draw strength from each other amidst the demands and stress of medical school. It is a movement centered on loving God and making His love well-known. We exist as an organization to build students in Christ through prayer and fellowship, and to train them to become compassionate physicians modelled after Jesus Christ.

Katelyn Grace Herrera De Jesus
Representative for Internal Affairs (Internal Head)
Dina Marie Yalong
Representative for External Affairs (External Head)
Micah Michelle Kha Young
Jonathan Diamzon Concepcion
Prayer Head (1)
Timothy Luke Amar Cristobal
Prayer Head (2)
Jahziel Mallari Culala
Praise and Worship Head
Danielle Grace Dadiz
Publication Head
Marvel Escorpiso Esmalla
Co-Publication Head
Jonathan Diamzon Concepcion
Finance Officer
Micah Michelle Kha Young
Representative to AGAPE Luzon (1)
Jahziel Mallari Culala
Representative to AGAPE Luzon (2)

Organization Email: slmccm.agape@gmail.com
Facebook: fb.com/stlukesagape
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/slcm_agape/